Call us on 08 6146 2585

Important Information


St Basil’s Aged Care Services (WA) response to COVID-19

St Basil’s WA is committed to maintaining a safe environment for both clients and staff during the COVID19 pandemic via the following activities:

  • Daily updates from the Department of Health regarding transmission precautions and outbreak management
  • Adherence to State and Commonwealth Department of Health guidelines and recommendations
  • Adherence to Aged Care Quality & Safety Standards regarding infection control and client care
  • All staff have undergone mandatory training in infection control and in reducing the risk of transmission of the COVID virus
  • We are continuously updating our policies and procedures to reflect the latest government advice, including the following mandatory requirements:
    • Hand hygiene
    • Social distancing
    • Respiratory etiquette
    • Staying at home if unwell, even with mild symptoms
  • We are maintaining communication with our clients, families and staff to ensure everyone is kept up to date with ongoing developments
  • We are forwarding relevant Department of Health Factsheets to clients, families and staff
  • Staff use a “Client Wellness” checklist when they visit to identify any changes to the client’s condition that may necessitate medical attention
  • We have temporarily closed our Day Centre, and have implemented tele-care support as an alternative service to maintain regular contact and ensure their physical and mental wellbeing
  • We offer contact-free services to support clients who choose to not have home visits
  • We have secured supplies of PPE
  • All staff have undergone mandatory training in the use of PPE